地 址:上海市浦東外高橋自貿區富特東三路526號5號樓311室
DOOZ INSTRUMENT (SHANGHAI) CO., LTD.is an instruments and equipment supplier and service provider specialized in mechanical measurement machine, materials chemical composition, physical performance testing and analysis.
Since her inception, she has provided thousands of equipment to hundreds of business units, research institutes, laboratories and professional quality service Units. User base includes iron and steel metallurgy, nonferrous metals, metal recycling, aerospace, rail transportation, precision machinery factory, automotive electronics, home appliances and other fields.
After years of development, DOOZ has created a wealth of experience in sales and after-sales service team, which have got a very high reputation in our manufacturers and customers.
德國EPK公司(EPK ElektroPhysik)總部位于德國科隆,是一家專門開發和生產各種用于表面處理行業的測量儀器公司,至今已有有超過60年的歷史,公司一直致力于測厚類產品的開發和研究工作,是世界上zui早生產測厚產品的公司之一,研發和生產了品種繁多的的測量儀器。作為無損檢測厚度行業的*,德國EPK公司多年來一直致力于防腐層檢測,特別是涂層測厚儀的產品更是遠銷*,電火花檢測儀占有世界50%的*。而且,EPK 公司與各標準化組織和研究院一道,成功地推進了涂層厚度測量在世界范圍內的標準化進程。至今,EPK在世界各地都設有自己的分支機構和經銷商。
QUINTSONIC 7超聲波涂層測厚儀
適用的涂層材料 | 油漆、塑料、樹脂等 |
涂層層數 | 1-3層 |
測量范圍 | 10μm –500μm |
分辨率 | 1μm |
誤差 <100μm:>100μm: | ±(2μm+3%讀數)±(2μm+2%讀數) |
存儲能力: | 10000個讀數,可分500組 |
統計計算: | n,x,s,kvar,max,min,打印時統計數據用日期、時間標志 |
越限: | 用聲、光報警 |
接口: | MINIPRINT微型打印機,RS232C |
電源: | 可充電電池:2×AA NIMH(大約可測量2500次)充電器90-260V(充電4小時) |
尺寸、重量: | 儀器:150mm ×82mm× 35mm/150g探頭:30mm×φ45mm |
環境溫度: | -15℃~ +55℃ |